What Are Some Common Linkable Assets You Could Use?

Getting Your Business Found Online

What Are Some Common Linkable Assets You Could Use?

Linkable assets

If you are struggling to find relevant content that you want to link to for your site, you probably need to know more about linkable assets. This is one of the most underrated and least understood kinds of linking processes that can be used for SEO purposes. Linkable assets are valuable for many reasons and not just to attract links to your site.

If you are looking to take your backlinking and SEO functionality to the next level, you need to know more about linkable assets. This is a tool that could change the way that you create content, and that can also impact the way that you earn links on all of the sites that you manage.

If you are ready to learn more about the uses and creation of linkable assets and what some common linkable assets are, you need to keep reading!

What is a Linkable Asset?

What we need to talk about first is what a linkable asset is. This is a piece of content that is made with the intention for it to be used to attract links. You want websites that are also in your niche to link to this asset to help make your site more visible. Since these kinds of assets are almost never product pages or commercial in nature, you will be creating an asset of much greater value that invites links.

Linkable assets can also be used to rank for high-volume keywords. There will have to be an overlap between the asset and one or more high-volume keywords for this to work. This means that the use of this kind of asset is far less likely to be possible when compared with the usual use of this kind of linkable content.

Common linkable assets

What Can Linkable Assets Do for My Site?

Your linkable asset can offer you the following benefits for your site:

1.       Linkable Assets Have the Potential to Increase Organic Search Traffic

The main goal of linkable assets is to make sure that you get a lot of link equity for your efforts. The idea is that your site will be distributed on other pages through the use of backlinks and internal linking. This helps to make your pages rank higher for target items and specific keyword-based content.

2.       Linkable Assets Can Generate Referral Traffic

You will also find that this kind of asset will help people get around inside the web when looking for information related to your site’s niche. This means that high-traffic sites can refer to your site, and your referral traffic will almost always go up.

3.       Linkable Assets Can Increase Brand Exposure

Your brand needs to be talked about to be a success. If there is no word-of-mouth component of your business’s visibility, you will find that growing your brand can be tough. You also will have issues creating brand affinity without the right exposure and popularity linked with your brand. Linkable assets give your brand a sense of authority and help to create a bond between consumers and your products and company.

What Are Some Common Linkable Assets?

There are some common linkable assets that you have probably used in your own writing without realizing that they were linkable assets. Being able to create informative assets that can help to generate interest in your brand and your online presence is much easier if you know what you need to create.

1.       Infographic Linkable Assets

Think about the kinds of infographics that you want to use for your blog writing or advertising. These are usually items that offer really nice visuals, the right blend of information and easy-to-understand language, and that are colorful enough to grab your eye. Most companies use these kinds of infographics to increase brand authority but also to make sure that they are the one site that can provide the assets needed to explain a concept or to create an authority link within another blog’s pages.

Because there are so few really good infographics out there to use for this purpose, being able to offer up really high-quality infographics can make your site highly visible online. You should put effort into this kind of linkable asset for sure if you are trying to create a lot of visibility for your site and your company.

Linkable resources

2.       Quality and Interesting Graphs and Tables Make Excellent Linkable Assets

Just like quality infographics, graphs, and tables that clearly show the information that you are trying to communicate are not easy to come by. Most brands will have to pay someone to make this kind of informational item for their own company. Additionally, there are many studies that do not offer the results of the work done in research in this kind of digestible way.

If you want to make sure that you are offering the right linkable assets for the use of others online, you need to consider quality and interesting graphs and tables a priority as well.

3.       Map-o-Graphics Are Wonderful Linkable Assets

If you want to make a really useful linkable asset, map-o-graphics can be a great solution. Maps that show people what they need to know about places around the world or in the US can be very helpful when supporting information in blogs and other kinds of writing.

Map-o-Graphics are also often used to poke fun at different parts of the country or to explain bite-sized tidbits of information about places. Map-o-Graphics can be a bit of work to set up in some cases, but they are really effective and make great linkable assets.

4.       Tables of Information Can Be Used to Create Linkable Assets

If you want to help other people online in your niche be able to link to further resources, you can create tables and lists of information that you would also find helpful in your niche. This might be lists of prospects or places to buy a certain item or even companies that share your market space.

These kinds of tables will need to be clear to understand and read, and they need to be digestible, just like the maps and other picture-style linkable assets you have made. You can also make them just a link to the list on your own site to drive a different kind of traffic to your site.

Powerful linkable assets

5.       Online Tools and Calculators Are Powerful Linkable Assets

These can be the best use of your efforts to create linkable assets. Everyone needs to have a handy way to make conversions, see sizing, and make comparisons of various kinds from time to time. Even things like converting from EU sizing to US sizing can be a big benefit to your linkable asset goals.

You can even advertise this tool within your own links inside your blog to help make sure that your asset has the authority needed to attract the first links needed to get it some traction. After all, your site visitors might also need the help of this kind of tool!

6.       Awards and Rankings Can Be Ideal Linkable Assets

While it might not be obvious that these can be the ideal linkable assets that you need to promote your site, awards and rankings are highly effective for this purpose. The best way to create an asset like this is to make a list of the best (fill in the blank here) related to your niche. You can leverage these kinds of awards by actually awarding a specific company a mention in other kinds of blogs as well.

Other companies, as well as the mentioned ones, will link to the reference that you have created to point out who is the best in whatever niche you have been talking about. The winner of your overall award will certainly link back to this discussion post as well since they were named as #1 at whatever you were ranking businesses for.

7.       Studies and Research Are Great and Effective Linkable Assets

This is a great way to make linkable assets for your use. You can leverage other people’s efforts here and make sure that you are the referral site and not the original site that created the content. This is easy when research is older since it will not be showing up at the top of related search queries any longer. This is an ideal way to appropriate the authority of research that people can use for linking and to make sure that the links that they need are only found on your site.

8.       Informative Guides and Tutorials Are Also Linkable Assets

These items are all over the internet, but you want to be sure that you will be making a guide that can be considered “ a definitive” guide. You will need this post to be long enough to outrank other highly-ranked performers, and you need to be sure that you are appearing as an expert on the topic at hand. These articles need to be visually interesting, have lots of content that is not just typed, and should avoid the use of things like stock images if you want them to rank well.

You will, of course, get a boost in your niche if you are already considered an industry leader in your space, and then you write a guide like this. However, you can create “the best guide for” topics with ease if you do some SEO research on the topic and then make sure that you include all the right information to make your point clearly and better than anyone else did.

Effective linkable resources

9.       The Coined Terminology is a Simple but Effective Linkable Asset

This is a simple one, but it can be really effective. Think about the coined terms that are used to describe concepts today. These are most common in economics and finance, but they can exist in all niches and all industries. Many people think of things like “crowdsourcing”, “geobragging”, or even things like “noob” and “troll”. Explaining what these terms mean in a definitive and link-worthy way can be of great use to your linkable asset efforts.

10.   Guest Posts on High Traffic Sites Are also Linkable Assets

If you have the connections to be asked to write on other blogs, leverage these opportunities correctly. You need to be sure that your guest post stands out from the crowd and that it offers the right amount of information to be useful for linking to. The better you leverage these posts, the more likely it will be that you can drive traffic back to your own site from the traffic of the site that you were allowed to post on as a guest. This can be like having someone else do your legwork for you, which is a big timesaver in so many ways.

Consider What Linkable Assets You Think Align With Your Niche

Always consider what kinds of assets you think will naturally align with your niche. You do not want to be creating all kinds of linkable assets that have nothing to do with your site’s space or your business. This will just lead traffic away from your business instead of leading interest toward your site and your company.

You should make sure that your linkable assets also help make your site to have more authority, so they are working twice as hard for your benefit. You want your authority to be clear so that all of the future items that you create of this nature will benefit you internally as well as when these assets are used by other sites.

high value linkable content

Linkable Assets Can be high Value for Many Reasons

If you have been struggling to figure out how to create interest in your site through assets that other sites will use for links, linkable assets are a great investment for you to make in your blog or business. The more bite-sized and helpful information that you can offer to those writing online or those who share your niche with you, the more likely you will be to grow your site’s authority effectively.

From research-based posts to infographics and awards, you can make sure that your business is present around every corner of the internet. Being searchable these days mean that you need to be relevant on a variety of different fronts, and you can make your job much easier if you create high-quality linkable assets to help meet your goals in this area. Linkable assets are a great way to make sure that your business is highly visible and well-thought-of as well as easy to find online.

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